
Student Awards @ INForum 2021

Date: 15/09/2021

Catarina Gamboa, at the time LASIGE’s MSc student, won the award for best student poster at INFORUM2021 for the work entitled “LiquidJava: Adding Lightweight Verication to Java”, co-authored with Paulo Canelas, Christopher S. Timperley, and Alcides Fonseca.

Another LASIGE distinction was the article “Deteção Automática de Conflitos Semânticos” by Nuno Castanho, LASIGE’s MSc student, and co-authored with José Campos and Antónia Lopes, that was nominated to be finalist for the best article prize.

INForum 2021 – Informatics Symposium was held in Lisbon, Portugal, September 9-10, 2021.

INForum aims to be comprehensive and dynamic in the set of topics covered. It presents a set of themes proposed and selected annually, with sessions organized and held independently. It promotes mass criticism for the strengthening and evolution of information technology in the country, simultaneously creating space for the evolution of the conference context and stimulating a meeting of researchers in emerging areas.