LASIGE Computer Science and Engineering Research Centre is a research and development (R&D) unit at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL), in the field of Computer Science and Engineering.
The R&D Unit is organised around seven Research Lines of Excellence, namely Cyber-Physical Systems, Data and Systems Intelligence, Dependable and Secure Decentralized Systems, Health and Biomedical Informatics, Inclusive Human-Computer Interaction, Reliable Software Systems, and Theory of Computing. The unit’s research is supported by key indicators of excellence and represents an added value to the Portuguese and European Science and Technology Systems (S&TS), as shown by several factors:
- Quality and impact of the outputs in research, technology transfer, and advanced training, with prominent international visibility;
- Alignment with state-of-the-art international research topics and agendas, increasing its impact and promoting prospective industrial exploitation;
- Excellent comparative standing in the Portuguese S&TS.
LASIGE was evaluated as Excellent by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) for its research activity during the 2013-2017 period. For each of the three criteria (quality, merit, relevance and the internationalisation of the R&D activities of the Integrated Researchers in the R&D Unit Application; merit of the team of Integrated Researchers; appropriateness of objectives, strategy, plan of activities and organisation), LASIGE achieved 5 out of 5 points. This evaluation determined its funding for the 2020-2023 period.
LASIGE has approximately 250 collaborators, including researchers holding a doctoral degree, PhD and MSc students and other junior researchers, project managers, and a team of system administrators. The current Director is Prof. Alysson Bessani.
LASIGE was founded in 1998 and is legally represented by FCiências.ID, a Non-Profit Private Association created as a joint initiative of Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and six private companies to support and potentiate the R&D activities of its associates.
LASIGE’s mission reflects its unremitting pursuit of excellence
As such, the plan outlined for the future builds on the successes of the past, and aims to elevate those successes to new heights of excellence.
The new organisation of LASIGE, centred on research lines, with most of its researchers involved in more than one research line, fosters collaboration among researchers and will be instrumental in accomplishing an ambitious set of goals, enabling new levels of international visibility and research impact, but also playing a crucial role addressing important societal challenges at national and EU levels.
To fulfil this vision, LASIGE outlined the following general and specific objectives:
- Expand its activity to include new promising areas of research in extensions of LASIGE’s main core areas;
- Create new areas of excellence in identified concrete domains;
- Expand the number of top quality scientific publications, increasing LASIGE’s visibility and impact, and fostering collaborations with companies and participation in international research projects;
- Engage in societal challenges at national and European level, evolving the Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) of prototypes, so they can be deployed in different sectors of society;
- Gear R&D towards knowledge and technology transfer, aiming particularly at strengthening and expanding current protocols and contracts with institutions in the business sector, and at creating technology-based innovative spin-offs in key areas;
- Reinforce its position as a prestigious advanced education and training institution;
- Actively seek to take part in the organisation of scientific events, including international conferences, symposia and workshops.