

Date: 03/02/2023

Helena Aidos, LASIGE PhD collaborator, presented the project “Advanced learnIng models using Patient profiles and disease progression patterns for prognostic prediction in ALS” (AiPALS), at the workshop “The Challenge of Data: A New Frontier in Neurodegenerative Diseases”, on January 31, 2022, organized by ULisboa.

Nowadays diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases is a growing concern and one of the biggest challenges in modern medicine. Commonly used diagnostic technologies (e.g. MRI, electroencephalogram) produce an enormous amount of data (in size and dimension) for the detection, monitoring, and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, and developing technologies have the potential to collect more and better data. However, multiple challenges are associated with this data generation, collection, management, and analysis that are key to advancing knowledge and promoting innovation in the field.

Therefore this workshop aimed to stimulate discussion on how to improve the use of data to improve decision-making in the context of neurodegenerative diseases and included four sessions covering topics such as data science; research projects focused on data and neurodegenerative diseases; sensors and their application; and the complexity of data governance in health from the perspective of various actors.

The event is available here.