
University of São Paulo highlights research to which LASIGE contributed

Date: 10/08/2020

The research work of Laíza Silva, a visiting researcher at LASIGE under the guidance of Tiago Guerreiro, has been disseminated by the University of São Paulo on its official webpage. Laíza was a MSc student at Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences and part of her research was conducted at LASIGE, where she stayed for 6 months. During her stay, her work also counted with the support of professionals from PIN – Centro de Desenvolvimento Progresso Infantil.

The work, developed for the researcher MSc’s dissertation, resulted in the development of a prototype that fosters the engagement and learning of children with autism spectrum disorder. The prototype integrates Psychology and Computer Science, making use of the Discrete Trial Training (DTT) teaching strategy and gamification concepts.

An animation demonstrating how the prototype works was made available by the researcher here.


(Image retrieved from “Prototipo ensino criancas com autismo” animation/Youtube)