
LASIGE 25 years Celebration

Date: 05/07/2023

LASIGE celebrated its 25th anniversary, on July 5, 2023, and it was time to meet four of its founders again: Paulo Veríssimo, Nuno Guimarães, Luís Rodrigues, Mário Silva.

It discussed, conducted by Alysson Bessani, the founders’ experience during and after (leaving) LASIGE, the beginning of this research center, and their perspective on LASIGE’s future and on Computer Science and Engineering.

This celebration was included at the LASIGE Forum, organized by LASIGE’s PhD Students Commission, which counted also with a talk by Bruno Loff, a panel on Large Language Models (Nuno Cruz, Tiago Guerreiro, Vânia Mendonça and Ruben Branco, moderated by Cátia Pesquita) and the presentations of LASIGE’s PhD students David Gonçalves and Joel Samper.

Long life to LASIGE!!