Yesterday, February 13, LASIGE hosted its 5th annual workshop, featuring a variety of activities, and begun with four talks:
- Andreia Santos (psychologist at GAPSI, FCUL) – ” How to live together with rejection?”
- Marta Daniela Santos and Sílvio Mendes (cE3c – Centre forEcology, Evolution and Environmental Changes and Communication, Image and Culture Office, FCUL) – “How I met your science: Good practices in science communication”
- Yasser Omar (Professor, IST) – “An introduction to Quantum Computing”
- Nuno Loureiro (Probely’s CEO and Co-Founder) – “Path to creating a cybersecurity company”
LASIGE’s students shared their work during the poster session and the most voted posters were presented by its first author:
“Evolutionary Program Synthesis from Refined and Dependent types” – Paulo Santos, 1st best poster
“Playing With Others: Depicting Multiplayer Gaming Experiences Of People With Visual Impairments” – David Gonçalves, 2nd best poster
But more prizes were awarded in recognition, by LASIGE board, of the outstanding scientific research developed during 2019:
Best PhD Student – André Rodrigues
Best Young Researcher – Ibéria Medeiros
Best Outreach Initiative – Alysson Bessani
Best Runner-up Outreach Initiative – Cátia Pesquita
Also 14 Publications of 2019 were recognized by its merit and were distinguished with prizes:
- “BO-LSTM: Classifying relations via long short-term memory networks along biomedical ontologies”, Andre Lamúrias, Diana Sousa, Luka A Clarke and Francisco M Couto (BMC Bioinformatics, 2019)
- “BigFlow: Real-time and Reliable Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection for High-Speed Networks”, Eduardo Viegas, Altair O. Santin, Alysson Bessani, Nuno Neves (Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, 2019)
- “Vulnerability & Blame: Making Sense of Unauthorized Access to Smartphones”, Diogo Marques, Tiago Guerreiro, Luís Carriço, Ivan Beschastnikh, and Konstantin Beznosov (CHI ’19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019)
- “Generalized probabilistic satisfiability and applications to modelling attackers with side-channel capabilities”, Carlos Caleiro, Filipe Casal, Andreia Mordido (Theoretical Computer Science, 2019)
- “Multi-domain semantic similarity in biomedical research”, João D Ferreira and Francisco M Couto (BMC Bioinformatics, 2019)
- “FunVar: A Systematic Pipeline to Unravel the Convergence Patterns of Genetic Variants in ASD, a Paradigmatic Complex Disease”, Muhammad Asif, Astrid M Vicente, Francisco M Couto (Journal of biomedical informatics, 2019)
- “Label-Dependent Session Types”, Peter Thiemann, Vasco T Vasconcelos (POPL’19: Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 2019)
- “PPR-SSM: Personalized PageRank and Semantic Similarity Measures for Entity Linking”, André Lamúrias, Pedro Ruas, Francisco M Couto (BMC Bioinformatics, 2019)
- “CHARON: A Secure Cloud-of-Clouds System for Storing and Sharing Big Data”, Ricardo Mendes; Tiago Oliveira; Vinicius Vielmo Cogo; Nuno Neves; Alysson Bessani (IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2019)
- “Using Low-Density Parity-Check codes to improve the McEliece cryptosystem”, Pedro Branco, Paulo Mateus, Carlos Salema, André Souto (Information Sciences)
- “SEPTIC: Detecting Injection Attacks and Vulnerabilities Inside the DBMS”, Iberia Medeiros, Miguel Beatriz, Nuno Neves and Miguel Correia (IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2019)
- “A visual approach for analysis and inference of molecular activity spaces”, Samina Kausar and André O Falcão (Journal of Cheminformatics, 2019)
- “Using research literature to generate datasets of implicit feedback for recommending scientific items”, Márcia Barros, André Moitinho and Francisco M. Couto (IEEE Access, 2019)
- “VisuaLeague: Player performance analysis using spatial-temporal data”, Ana Paula Afonso, Maria Beatriz Carmo, Tiago Gonçalves, Pedro Vieira (Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019)
The workshop ended with a team-building activity created by Alcides Fonseca, followed by the closing session (dinner).
The event was organized by a team of PhD students.
Congratulations! To our members awarded, to all the participants and to those that have organized the event!