Title: Resilience IS the Cybersecurity of the XXI Century: Here’s why, explained through a Blockchain example
Speaker: Paulo Veríssimo (KAUST)
When: February 13, 2023, 12:00
Where: FCUL, room 6.3.27
Objective: this workshop intends to present and discuss opportunities for collaboration with KAUST, which are relevant both for students and researchers/professors.
Short bio: Professor Esteves-Veríssimo is currently interested in architectures, middleware and algorithms for resilient modular and distributed computing. His research is published in over 200 peer-refereed international publications and 5 international books. He has been invited to present his research in more than 70 keynote speeches or distinguished lectures at reputed venues. Professor Esteves-Veríssimo also has a solid systems and engineering track record, having contributed to the design and engineering of several advanced industrial prototypes of distributed, fault-tolerant, secure or real-time systems, emerging from R&D projects he took part in.