

Talks @ DI: João Bimbo

Title: Robotics is a Contact Sport
Speaker: João Bimbo (LASIGE/DI)
Date: November 23. 2023, 14h00
Where: FCUL, 6.3.27

Abstract: Future robots that share our environments and are able to perform useful tasks will need to physically interact with their surroundings in a safe and effective way. This talk will be focused on different aspects of contacts between the robot and its environment, from the development of force sensors and perception methods, to collision detection and interaction control. I will give an overview of my past work in this area and discuss future developments.

Short Bio: Joao Bimbo is an invited assistant professor at FCUL and a researcher with LASIGE. He has a MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Coimbra and a PhD in Robotics from King’s College London. He has previously worked as a postdoc at the Italian Institute of Technology and Yale University, and as an assistant professor at Universidade Lusófona. His research interests are robotic manipulation, haptics, and teleoperation.