Reading Club in HBI and DSI #9

Reading Club in HBI and DSI #9

********** Paper #9: protein2vec: Predicting Protein-Protein Interactions Based on LSTM (2022) Zhang et al. When: 2:30 PM, 15.11.2023 Where: C6.3.26 ********** Don’t forget to read the paper beforehand and come prepared with a contribution! ********** How the reading...
Talks @ DI/LASIGE: Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz

Talks @ DI/LASIGE: Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz

Title: Ontology Alignment and the two DL Speaker: Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz (City, University of London) Invited by: Cátia Pesquita (LASIGE, DI/FCUL) When: October 27, 14h30 Where: 6.3.27 (Coffee break included) Abstract: The Ontology Matching community has been very...
DSI meetup: Alberto Aleta

DSI meetup: Alberto Aleta

Title: Epidemic spreading in structured populations: A quest for data Speaker: Alberto Aleta (Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems – BIFI, University of Zaragoza) Invited by: Andreia Sofia Teixeira (LASIGE, DI/FCUL) When: October 25, 2023,...
CPS and RDNS meetup: Tiago Carvalho and Lívio Rodrigues

CPS and RDNS meetup: Tiago Carvalho and Lívio Rodrigues

Speakers: Tiago Carvalho (LASIGE, DI/FCUL) and Lívio Rodrigues (LASIGE, DI/FCUL) Date: October 24, 2023, 12h30 Where: C6.3.27 Talk 1: Unified Coordination Service for the IoT-Edge Continuum Abstract: Complex Internet of Things (IoT) applications are typically composed...
CPS and RDNS meetup: Bakary Badjie

CPS and RDNS meetup: Bakary Badjie

Speakers: Bakary Badjie (LASIGE, DI/FCUL) Date: October 03, 2023, 12h30 Where: C6.2.52 Talk: Attack- and Drift-Resilient Image Classification Deep Learning Model For Autonomous Driving Systems Abstract: Image Classification Machine Learning (ICML) models are widely...