
Invited speech at the fist “Envelhece AtivaMENTE” (Grow old actively) seminar

06-05- Envelhecer ativamente
Date: 06/05/2016

Tiago Guerreiro was invited to be one of the speakers at the first edition of the seminar “Envelhece AtivaMENTE” (Growing old actively), that took place yesterday May 5th, at Setúbal, Portugal, organized by LATI – Liga dos Amigos da Terceira Idade, with the support of the APP – Associação Portuguesa de Psicogerontologia.

The speech with the title “Tecnologia ao serviço da pessoa com demência e seus cuidadores” was framed under the topic “Pratic(a)MENTE: Saúde Mental e Estimulação Cognitiva”.

This event was targeted at professionals working with older adults and gathered speakers from the clinical, social and technological side. The had the participation of around 150 professionals