Alysson Bessani receives the DSN2024 Test-of-Time Award

Alysson Bessani receives the DSN2024 Test-of-Time Award

The paper “State Machine Replication for the Masses with BFT-SMaRt” was awarded the Test-of-Time Award at the 54th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, held in Brisbane, Australia, in June 2024. Alysson Bessani was there to receive...
RSS meetup: Gil Silva

RSS meetup: Gil Silva

RSS Meetups are monthly gatherings of LASIGE members with research interests mainly in Software Architecture, Verification, Testing, Programming Languages, Type Systems, Logic, Concurrency, and Formal Methods. Title: Subtyping Context-Free Session Types Speaker: Gil...
DI Doctoral Seminars | Sérgio Alves

DI Doctoral Seminars | Sérgio Alves

Title: Community-Based Personalization of User Interfaces Speaker: Sérgio Alves, LASIGE/DI-FCUL When: May 23, 2024, 12h Where: Sala 6.3.27 Abstract: User interface (UI) personalization can improve usability and user experience. However, current systems offer limited...


The LASIGE Forum IV, organised by the PhD Student Commission, took place today, the 12th of July 2024. It was time to appreciate the enthusiasm of the invited speakers, André Rodrigues, and Andreia Sofia Teixeira, both LASIGE integrated members, and the PhD Student...
RSS meetup: Gil Silva

RSS meetup: Luca Padovani

RSS Meetups are monthly gatherings of LASIGE members with research interests mainly in Software Architecture, Verification, Testing, Programming Languages, Type Systems, Logic, Concurrency, and Formal Methods. Title: Fair termination of the binary session Speaker:...