
Award to LASIGE team at the BioASQ challenge

Date: 30/09/2021

Francisco M. Couto, LASIGE integrated member, and his team, from LASIGE and other members from the University of Lisbon, were awarded at the BioASQ challenge, on September, 22 of 2021.

BioASQ organizes challenges on biomedical semantic indexing and question answering (QA). The challenges include tasks relevant to hierarchical text classification, machine learning, information retrieval, QA from texts and structured data, multi-document summarization, and many other areas.

The BioASQ challenge comprises the following tasks: Task Synergy On Biomedical Semantic QA For COVID-19; Task A On Large-Scale Online Biomedical Semantic Indexing; Task B On Biomedical Semantic QA (Involves IR, QA, Summarization And More); Task MESINESP On Medical Semantic Indexing In Spanish .