
Invited talk @ VEST’21

Date: 19/07/2021

Andreia Mordido, an integrated member at LASIGE, was an invited speaker at the second “Workshop on Verification of Session Types” (VEST’21) where she presented the talk “Beyond regular session types”.

Session types enable to express interaction protocols in message-passing systems, but traditional session types only capture communication patterns characterized by regular languages. In this talk, the speaker explored session types that live beyond the expressive power of regular languages, namely inspecting the patterns of interaction captured by context-free session types and nested session types. Throughout the talk, the challenges that such gain in expressiveness brings to type equivalence were illustrated, as well as key rules for designing practical type equivalence algorithms.

VEST’21, July 12, 2021, was co-located with the 48th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming 2021 (ICALP’21) and its goal is to bring together researchers and build a community working on verification of session types using various theorem provers such as AGDA, COQ, ISABELLE or any other.