LASIGE FCT Exploratory Project Proposal – Pitch to Peers Session
When: January 24, 15:30
Who: PIs, team members, other researchers
Where: C6.3.27
15:30: Welcome
15:40: Vânia Mendonça
16:00: Luís Pinto
16:20: Coffee break and match-making session
16:50: Nuno Garcia
17:10: João Bimbo
17:30 Closing
In this session, researchers who want to submit a project to FCT’s next call can present their ideas and discuss opportunities and challenges with colleagues to receive feedback. This will also be an opportunity for match-making to find co-PIs and other team members. We expect to give each researcher 10 mins to present their project idea, followed by 10-15 mins of open discussion. We also invite researchers not planning to submit a proposal to attend to give feedback and participate in the discussion. Participation will be open to all LASIGE researchers.