
SEARCH RESULTS FOR: joão pedro ferreira

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16 Results


LASIGE’s 2024 PhD graduations

LASIGE is very proud and honored to congratulate its seven recent PhD graduates: Diogo Lima, “A Geographical-Aware State Deployment Service for Fog Computing”, supervised by Hugo Miranda; Diogo Soares, “Triclustering Three-way Temporal and...


LASIGE Talks, “take 2”

On 11 December 2024, LASIGE held the second session of ‘LASIGE Talks’, a fortnightly event designed to showcase recently awarded publications or cutting-edge work in progress by researchers at the research centre, consolidating the scientific culture of the LASIGE...


LASIGE publishes at the IEEE’s ISMAR 2024 Conference

The paper “Crafting Virtual Realities: Designing a VR End-User Authoring Platform for Personalized Exposure Therapy”, co-authored by LASIGE’s researchers João P. Ferreira, Filipa Ferreira-Brito, João Guerreiro and Tiago Guerreiro has been published and presented at...


LASIGE organizes INForum’24

On September 5 and 6, 2024, LASIGE organized the 15th National Computer Science Symposium (INForum’24), which was held at Ciências ULisboa. The Organizing Committee, composed by LASIGE integrated members, Luís Pinto, as chair, and Bernardo Ferreira, João Bimbo,...


LASIGE with 5 Full Papers at CHI 2024

LASIGE researchers presented five full papers at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024), the flagship venue in HCI (CORE A*). An additional paper from LASIGE’s newest member, Rúben Gouveia (with his prior affiliation), was awarded an...


LASIGE @ Ciências Research & Innovation Day 2023

As part of the Ciências ULisboa community, LASIGE took the opportunity to present to its peers the science that is produced in the unit in 5th edition of Ciências Research & Innovation Day!  The event, a public showcase of the best science made in the centenary...


LASIGE @ INForum 2023

Several papers, extended abstracts, and posters of LASIGE researchers were presented at INForum 2023, held in Porto, on September 7-8, 2023, as: João Ferreira, Zygimantas Jasiunas, José Cecílio and Pedro Ferreira. “Real-life assessment of household...


Best Paper Award and Strong Presence @CHI 2023

LASIGE researchers presented two full papers, one of which received a Best Paper Award, at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023), a top-ranked venue (CORE A*). They also presented three late-breaking works, and two workshop papers....


8th LASIGE Workshop (2023)

The 8th LASIGE Workshop was held on March 22, 2023. The event included an award ceremony in which LASIGE researchers were distinguished for their research output for the previous year. The two best posters presented in the workshop were also awarded and… the winners...


7th LASIGE Workshop (2022)

The 7th LASIGE Workshop was held on April 19, 2022. The event included an award ceremony in which LASIGE researchers were distinguished for their research output for the previous year. The two best posters presented in the workshop were also awarded and… the...


6th LASIGE Workshop (2021)

The 6th LASIGE Workshop was held yesterday, May 10. The event took place online and it was very well received by LASIGE members and invitees. As usual, the event included an award ceremony in which LASIGE researchers were distinguished for their research output for...


5th LASIGE workshop (2020)

Yesterday, February 13, LASIGE hosted its 5th annual workshop, featuring a variety of activities, and begun with four talks: Andreia Santos (psychologist at GAPSI, FCUL) – ” How to live together with rejection?” Marta Daniela Santos and Sílvio Mendes...


LASIGE TALKS: João Ferreira & Hasan Heydari

LASIGE Talks are fortnightly/monthly events to publicize recently distinguished publications or ongoing cutting-edge work by researchers from the research centre, consolidating the scientific culture of the LASIGE community. Speakers: João Ferreira (LASIGE) and Hasan...


CPS and RDNS meetup: Samaneh Shafee and João Queimado

Speakers: Samaneh Shafee (LASIGE, DI/FCUL) and João Queimado (LASIGE, DI/FCUL) Date: November 21, 2023, 12h30 Where: C6.3.27 Talk 1: Evaluation of Chatbots for Cybersecurity NLP Tasks Abstract: In the rapidly advancing field of cybersecurity, knowledge sharing about...